Why did I decide to study Software Engineering?
The three reasons that made me study Software Engineer.
Everything started when I was a pre-teenager, a kid that has a passion for technology. When at that time technology was not so advanced, I started building my first computer with the money I get from my parents and the money collected from cleaning my neighbors’ shoes. At that time, I started buying parts of my computer such as Motherboard, Graphic Card, Memory Card, CD Room, and more than my story started.
Studying Software Engineering allows me to archive one of my goals, helping people create software that allows them to make things easier for the world of technology, such as creating a security or school operating system and creating a website for a person who wants to start a business.
I’m a father of a baby girl that is growing fast, the world’s leading that kids will need to have deep knowledge in the technology world at an early age. I want to be a role model for my daughter. Studying Software Engineer will give me the opportunity to accomplish those skills to be a role model to follow. In addition, it will help me to move forward from my current job. Achieving this goal is a dream come true as I enjoy dealing with technology.